Blog 9.6.23

 Our book this week has been ‘The Everywhere Bear’ by Julia Donaldson.  The Everywhere Bear has a wonderful time with the children in Class One, but one day he gets more than he bargained for when he falls unnoticed from a backpack and embarks on his own big adventure! He's washed down a drain and whooshed out to sea, rescued by a fishing boat, loaded onto a lorry, carried off by a seagull before he finally makes it back to Class One.

 Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story:

 Writing – Make a lost poster for ‘The Everywhere Bear’

Maths – Weigh the bears

Funky Fingers – use tweezers to pick up as many bears as you can in a minute

Outside – Hide a bear and give a friend instructions to find it

Creative – Make a suitcase for the Everywhere Bear

Playdough – Make eight fish for Mrs Bishops fish shop

 In maths this week the Reception children have been comparing, ordering and using their special awareness. They have compared different amounts of objects, ordering different amounts and making different arrangements of cubes.  The Nursery children have been solving number problems and comparing quantities.

 The Reception children are continuing to learn new sounds in Read, Write Inc and working hard with their reading and spelling.   The Nursery children have been learning the sound ‘g’ and recapping the sounds they had learnt last term.

 We had some amazing stories told in Helicopter Stories.  Stories that had different settings, characters and a clear beginning, middle and end.  The children love acting out their stories.

 Our RE this term is ‘Why is the word God so important to Christians’.  This week we heard how Christians believe that God created the world in seven days.  We watched an animation of the Christian creation story and looked at a painting called ‘In the Beginning’ by Jackie Olenick.  We then chose our favourite part of the painting and used water colours to paint our own in the same style.

 Starfish star of the week is Lucy  for always following ‘Embleton Expects’.  Well done Luct

 Next week our story will be ‘Little Roo and the Big Wide World’ by Guido Van Genechten.