Blog 20.6.22


As part of our ‘Splish, Splash, Splosh’ topic,  our book this week was ‘The Little Raindrop’ by Joanna Gray.  From cloud to puddle, and puddle to stream, the Little Raindrop is making his way on the remarkable journey that is Earth’s water cycle. We learnt lots about the water cycle this week.


Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this book:


Writing – Label the water cycle

Maths – Put the bottles of water in size order

Funky Fingers – Use tweezers to pick up some cotton wool clouds

Construction – Make a lego picture of the water cycle

Creative – Make a bead bracelet of the water cycle

Reading – Choose your favourite book about water


This week nearly every Nursery and Reception child did all their challenges and Gold Challenge.  Great job!


On Monday we got on the coach with the KS2 children and went back to the library.  We played a ‘find a book’ game and then listened to some stories.  We all chose a new book to take back to school.


We also made a model of the water cycle in a plastic bag.  We put it on the window so we could watch the condensation appear and then drip down like the rain.  To help us remember the water cycle we made a model using paper place with pictures and arrow in the middle.


We have managed to get outside lots this week as the weather has been very warm.  We haven’t got much space outside at the village hall but we are still having fun and learning lots.


Next week our book will be ‘Bathroom Boogie’ by Clare Foges.