
This week in Seal Class the children have been learning:

Mathematics: The children have been exploring masses, including comparing and adding and subtracting masses. They have been using balance scales and different units of measurement to help them understand these concepts. The Y4s continued their learning about decimals, specifically dividing 1d and 2d by 10.

English: This week, the children continued their study of the book, "The Boy at The Back of The Class." They looked at the perspectives of both the bully and the victim of bullying and discussed how the teachers allowed this behaviour to happen. This helped them gain a deeper understanding of the importance of empathy and how it can help prevent bullying.

Geography: The children learned about the population of Italy and the climate. They presented their findings using Canva, a digital design tool. This helped them develop their digital skills while also learning about a new country.

Computing: In computing, the children created desktop wallpapers using Canva. This was a great opportunity for them to practice their design skills while also developing their digital literacy.

This week's Star of The Week is Lewis for his fantastic story about the day in the life of a bully.