
This week in Seal Class, we have enjoyed working on starting our measuring unit in maths. We have looked at measuring in cm and mm for the Y3s and the Y4s km and measuring perimeter by calculating squares. We have also enjoyed researching The Yao People in English, finding out about their culture, language, political systems and history reading to start our English text next week. We have continued to learn our classroom instructions in French. Ask the children at home to see if they can remember some of them. We have also been learning all about Latin music and its background and origins. We were adding our rhythms using percussion instruments to the tune. This week, we have also celebrated World Book Day. Seeing so many children reading at home was lovely, and they enjoyed sharing their photos with the rest of the school. We also read some of their favourite books to Puffins, completed a World Book Day Quiz, completed some maths and English activities based on various texts, and took part in drop and read. What a great way to spend a Thursday!
This week's Star of The Week is Jack for his fantastic effort in his swimming lessons.