
Welcome back after the holidays.  It was nice to catch up with the children and hear all their news.  They have come back full of determination and desire to try their absolute best.  This week we welcomed Miss Butler to Puffin class.  She is training to become a teacher so we are going to help her on her journey.  The children cannot wait to have some lessons taught by her.

We have started this week, in maths, by looking at subtraction.  We have been using resources and pictures to help us visualise the process.

In Computing we have been experimenting with the Ozobots (after a few technical hitches).  We drew maps and paths for the ozobot to follow and experimented with different colours to see if this affected the ozobot.

On Thursday we began our new art unit on printing.  We began by looking at the artist William Morris.  We took a look at some of his wallpaper designs and spotted the repeating patterns.  We had a go at drawing some of his wallpaper ourselves.  It was harder than you think!

Lots of good results on our Big Maths tests this week too and Well Done to ALEXANDER who got a promotion!  Keep up the hard work everyone.

Great first week back – that’s always the hardest one.  Have a good weekend everyone.