
GPS and Big Maths
We have been working hard to get into our routine with GPS (Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling) and Big Maths. All the children have now been introduced to Edshed, a great online resource that helps them with their maths and spelling skills. This platform will allow them to practise and reinforce what they have learned in class, making their learning experience even more interactive and engaging.

Geography and Fairtrade
Our Geography learning has centred around the topic of fairtrade and the importance of food. We have been exploring how fairtrade helps farmers and producers in developing countries by ensuring they receive fair wages for their products. The children have been fascinated by this concept and have been discussing the positive impact it has on people's lives.

Science and the 5 Key Food Groups
In Science, we have started looking at the 5 key food groups and how they contribute to our overall health and wellbeing. The children have been learning about the different nutrients provided by each food group and have been thinking about the importance of having a balanced diet. This understanding will help them make informed choices about the foods they consume.

French and Music
Our French lessons have focused on conversational starters, allowing the children to practice basic greetings and simple conversations. In music, we have been exploring notes and their significance in understanding rhythm. The children have been learning how to read and interpret musical notes, which is an essential skill for their musical development.

PE and Box Ball
In PE, we have been playing box ball, following the key rules set out by our PE teacher, Sam. The children have thoroughly enjoyed this game, which promotes teamwork, coordination, and physical fitness. They have been working on their throwing, catching, and aiming skills while having lots of fun.

We are delighted with how the children are settling into their routine and how eager they are to learn. They have adapted well to the new subjects and activities we have introduced this week, demonstrating great enthusiasm and engagement.

Our Star of The Week was Martin for his fantastic effort in his Big Write.