
This week in Seal Class has been an extremely busy week. In English, we have built our learning about our English book. We have been looking at how Anna Atkins did not have the right to share her scientific knowledge with the world in the 19th century. We have also completed a free verse poem about what we know about Anna’s life. We were able to recap their prior knowledge of poems from Autumn term 2. We have also completed an Art week. We completed a drawing of rainforest animals within their books using patterns and stretching. We also completed an outdoor lesson where we were asked to complete patterns and shapes outside in their groups. In PSHE, we have looked at rules and consequences. We were asked to complete a series of new rules we want to be in the class. These rules had to be fair and sensible. This week, we have two exciting visits. Our first visit was to the football festival in Alnwick. We provided good sportsmanship and teamwork. Then our next visit was to Edinburgh. We developed our knowledge further about Edinburgh on the open top city sightseeing bus, which lead us to the Dynamic Earth. We completed numerous workshops about volcanoes which are our topic in geography this term.

This week's Star of the Week is Lucas for his inquisitive thinking and asking out of the box questions in relation to his learning. Well done!