Blog 10.05.24

This week we continued with our story ‘How to Find a Fruit Bat’ by Michelle Robinson. 

 Our Rainbow challenges this week have been:

Writing – Nursery: Draw a map of how to find a fruit bat Reception: Draw and label a map of the journey to find a fruit bat

Maths – Nursery: Match the bat shapes Reception: Match the bat shapes and put the correct name labels to each shape

Funky Fingers – Nursery: Use scissors to cut along the straight lines Reception: Use scissors to cut along the lines

Playdough– Nursery: Make a playdough bat Reception: Make a playdough bat and give it a name

Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw a bat

Outside – Nursery: Make a boat Reception: Make a boat and find out how you can move it without touching it

Creative – Make a bat in a cave

 In maths this week the Reception children have been learning about 3d solid shapes.  They have been learning the language rotate, flip, position and fit.  The Nursery children have been learning about 2d shape and have been finding shapes in the environment.

 This week in Read, Write Inc. the Reception children have been learning about same sound but different spelling.  Some of the Nursery children have been learning the sounds u and b and the other Nursery children have continued to focus on rhyming and listening games.

 Our RE theme this half term is ‘Special Stories’.  We did our RE at beach school again this week.  We listened to the story of the blind men and the elephant.   This story shows us that everyone can have a different view of the same thing based on their own view of the world, personal experience, language, and knowledge.

 This week we have also created jungle pictures and explored what it might have been like in the dark bat cave.  The Reception children wrote about how the girl in the story might have felt in the cave.

 We had a visit to the Playhouse and library this week.  We listened to the stories of 'Oi Frog!' and 'Oi Duck Billed Platypus'. After that we made some paper frogs and coloured some pictures from the story. We then went into the library for a treasure hunt of Julia Donaldson characters, looked at some books, listened to a chose some books for us to take back to school.

 Next week our story will be ‘The Runaway Chapatti’ by Susan and Adam Price.