Blog 10.01.25
We began our new theme this week ‘Long, long ago’. Our story this week has been ‘Gigantosaurus’ by Jonny Duddle. In the story all the young dinosaurs are warned about the scary Gigantosaurus. So Bonehead volunteers to be the dino-kids lookout whenever they go into the jungle to play. Unfortunately, he is the original boy-dinosaur who cried wolf, or in this case, GIGANTOSAURUS! Finally, Bonehead's friends refuse to believe his warnings and the Gigantosaurus really turns up! It looks like Bonehead has got crunched - but in a hilarious reveal we discover that he is safe after all.
Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story.
Writing – Nursery: Write the names of the baby dinosaurs tell an adult what your writing says Reception: Write the names of the baby dinosaurs and use the sounds you know in your writing
Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw a stegosaurus
Maths – Nursery: Match the Numicon to fill the shapes on the dinosaur Reception: Choose pieces of Numicon to fill the dinosaur
Playdough – Nursery: Use playdough to make a dinosaur Reception: Use playdough to make a dinosaur and put seven spikes on its back
Creative – Nursery: Paint a picture of a forest and cut out a dinosaur to add to your picture Reception: Paint ten trees in a forest and cut out a dinosaur to add to your picture
Outside – Nursery: Make a home for a dinosaur Reception: Make a home for a dinosaur and write a list of what you used
Funky Fingers – Nursery: Free a dinosaur from the elastic bands Reception: Free all the dinosaurs from the elastic bands
In RWInc the Reception children have moved onto reading Green ditty books and have learnt the sounds the sounds ‘ir’ and ‘ou’. Some of the nursery children have been learning about the sound ‘m’ and have been playing some rhyming games and some of the nursery children have been making different sounds and playing games using sounds. In maths the Reception children have been practising recognising teen and ten’s numbers and number bonds to ten. The nursery children have been practising counting, number recognition and using Numicon.
Our theme for music this half term is ‘Music and Movement’. This week we sang some action songs. In PE we practised stopping on a signal and looking for spaces to move into. With Mrs Brealey we looked at different dinosaurs and compared the skin they had to the skins of animals alive today. In PSHE our theme is ‘Managing Self – Taking on challenges’ this week we thought about why we have rules and played some games, making sure we followed the rules for the game. In RE our new theme is ‘Special Places’. This week we looked at some places in our local area; the beach, the park, the quarry and our houses. We each painted a picture of a place that is special to us and spoke about why we like going there. We have also been writing about the big dinosaur ‘Gigantosaurus’ this week. We have also loved playing in our new role play area 'Dinosaur Den' that Mrs Cotton made for us!
Next week we will continue with our story ‘Gigantosaurus’ by Jonny Duddle.