School Meals

All school meals are cooked daily on the premises and served in the hall. Children will receive a two course meal.  Following work done with the school's eco-committee and our cook, we have worked hard on both reducing food miles and also ensuring that we have one vegan and one vegetarian meal each week. A full vegetarian or special diet meals can be arranged. Please contact the school office if you would like to organise either vegetarian or special diet meals for your child at lunch time. 

Children are encouraged to take fresh vegetables, and to try all the foods on offer. Fresh fruit is always available as an alternative to the main sweet. Children are encouraged to use the correct cutlery and use good table manners. Staff supervise the children at lunch time.

Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school meal through the Governments Universal Free School Meal Offer. For children in Key Stage 2 and Nursery the payment for school dinners should be made on the first day of the week or for the half term ahead using our online Parent Pay system. 

Packed lunches

Packed lunches are also eaten in the hall. As a healthy school we do not allow fizzy drinks, chocolate, chocolate covered biscuits, or sweets. All packed lunches should contain at least one item of fruit / vegetable.  For more information see the NHS Live Well Guide to a healthy packed lunch.   

Milk & Fruit

Our school and nursery children have the option of a drink of milk each day during their morning or afternoon snack time.  Milk is free to under 5s and there is a termly charge for the over 5s.  As part of the Department of Health's 'Fruit & Vegetable Scheme' the children are encouraged to have a piece of fruit or veg during their morning / afternoon snack time too.  Fruit is provided for all children in Puffin and Starfish Classes.