Summer 24 - LKS2 Visit to Wooler Children's Glendale Show

Our school trip to the Wooler Glendale Show was an educational and exciting day out. We arrived and headed straight to put our sheepdog in the model tent. Under the guidance of St John's Ambulance, we learnt essential CPR skills. After that, we explored the various farm equipment on display and engaged in a true or false quiz related to farming. One of the highlights was getting the chance to sit in a combine harvester.

Next, we visited the animal section, where we admired the sheep and goats. Venturing into the exhibition tent, we had the pleasure of meeting experts in diverse fields like woodwork, beekeeping, sustainable farming, and malting. The experience broadened our understanding of agriculture and related industries.

Following a short break for lunch, we gathered to watch the captivating sheepdog show. Our day at the Wooler Glendale Show was filled with enriching activities and new discoveries, making it a truly memorable experience.