Curriculum Overview


The curriculum at Embleton emphasises activity and experience whilst incorporating Statutory Guidelines of the National Curriculum.  We value the use of our natural resources very highly, and spend one day a week teaching at the beach.

At Embleton the children are taught as individuals, in groups and as a class.  Children's needs vary according to their age, ability and the subject being taught.  We endeavour at all times to teach to the needs of the child.

EYFS Curriculum

Much of the children's learning will be through play where children are offered a range of experiences and resources. Play is the means by which the children explore a variety of experiences in different situations for a variety of purposes. It is a process which provides for children a way of learning about the world around them. Staff plan activities and experiences that promote children's development and learning based on the ‘Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage’.  The majority of learning is contextualised through the use of high-quality traditional and contemporary literature.

Curriculum for KS1 and KS2


We follow the recommended guidelines of the National Curriculum.  English lessons are structured around units of work, which include learning in reading, writing and speaking and listening.  We use a wide range of genre and authors as the basis of our English curriculum, from traditional tales or abridged Shakespeare, to more modern texts such as 'Loki: A Bad Gold's Guide to Taking the Blame'.

The children read individually with staff each week, and are encouraged to read to themselves daily. All books are carefully matched to the phonic ability, or reading level, of the child.  Your child may be asked to complete a set amount of reading for homework. Once your child has read his / her reading book, they should be encouraged to read a library book or a personal reading book.  We have a large array of books suitable for all abilities for the children to choose from. We set great store by children being able to read, and encourage our children to read for pleasure and enjoyment. Parents are asked to share in their child’s reading development by reading to them and hearing them read regularly. The continuous link between home and school reading is much valued and beneficial to the child, even after they are able to read independently. The children are given a Boom-Read app log in, to record reading. This gives opportunities for comments by parents and staff, as well as encouraging a personal response from the child.  Please add comments onto Boom-Read each time you hear your child read.

We have a wide range of materials to support reading, including Read Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree. In addition we have a wide variety of fiction and reference books within each classroom and in the reading area.  Emergent readers have a Reading Eggs log in to support phonics practice at home and at school.

Children’s speaking and listening skills are developed through the whole curriculum. We use drama to explore ideas, and children learn how to make their own presentations to their class, the school and the wider community. We encourage good listening, and children take part in conversations, debates and council meetings.

The children are taught to write in a range of styles and for a variety of purposes. Writing skills learned in English lessons are reinforced through writing across a range of other curriculum subjects.  Once children have mastered the basics of letter formation they are taught to write using a joined handwriting script (RWI). They are actively encouraged to improve their written work by redrafting or correcting spellings and handwriting.

Spelling patterns are taught in school and reinforced by individual practice using EdShed.

We follow the ‘Read Write Inc.’ phonic scheme.


The approach to teaching mathematics is that recommended by the Guidelines of the National Curriculum and is based on four key principles:

dedicated mathematics lessons or practice time every day;
direct teaching and interactive oral work with the whole class and groups;
an emphasis on mental calculation;
fluency in, and mastery of, learned concepts before moving on to new areas.

The children are encouraged to apply the knowledge and understanding they have learned to solve every day problems and carry out investigations.

Our maths lessons are framed around the National Curriculum and use Big Maths to support fluency, and White Rose maths to encourage learning using a variety of question-types.  All children have numbots and Timestable Rockstars log ins, which are regularly accessed at school.  Use of TTRS and Numbots at home, daily, is encouraged.  Children also have Mathshed log-ins to practise aspects of maths taught in school.


Through a range of topics each child has opportunities to investigate and develop essential scientific skills such as observing, classifying and fair testing as well as developing good attitudes to their work such as curiosity, perseverance and co-operation.  These skills and attitudes enable a child to acquire an informed and critical understanding of the world. Much of the science curriculum is supported by our regular access to the outside environment as part of our Beach School sessions.  We use Developing Experts to support learning.


History and geography are taught as blocks of 6-8 week topics.  We aim to give the children as much hands on experience as possible through trips and visitors, including use of the environment during Beach School.  Topics are based on guidelines from the National Curriculum.  We use Kapow to support learning.

Design Technology

This subject calls for pupils to become creative problem solvers, both as individuals and members of a team.

The children will be asked to investigate ideas, dissemble and evaluate objects.  They will be taught how to build structures or components and will learn new skills.  Finally the children will be asked to ‘design and make’ something based on knowledge and skills gained.  Children will be asked to evaluate their work and the work of others; considering what improvements could be made.

Children are taught to make and use a range of joins and mechanisms, and how to choose and use a variety of materials e.g. wood, card, paper, food, clay, together with appropriate tools.  Time is taken to familiarise the children with the tools.  The safe use of the equipment is stressed at all times.

Children cook regularly in school as part of the curriculum.  A cooking club is regularly available as an after school activity.

We use Kapow to support learning.

Art and Design

Art and Design is taught as a subject in its own right, and is also used to support work across all areas of the curriculum.  Children are given the opportunity to explore a range of materials and techniques.  We have mixed aged art projects and welcome visiting artists into school to help enhance their skills.

We use Kapow to support learning.


We use computer work as an integral part of the curriculum.  Children will gradually develop a variety of skills and use computers to enhance work in all other curriculum areas.  As children progress through the school, they will have experience and growing expertise in many basic ICT skills.  We embed ICT throughout the curriculum using multi media computer programmes to enhance our learning.

Every child in KS2 has access to an individual Chromebook, and much of their learning is hosted using Google Classroom.  All children in KS1 and EY have regular access to ipads to support their learning.

We take part in Safer Internet Day each year.


Our aim is for children to enjoy listening to and making music and for this to be a positive, enriching and creative experience.

Through listening, appraising, performing and composing children develop an understanding and appreciate various styles of music.

All children learn to sing songs together that are appropriate to their age and interest.  They sing together during worship and whole school productions, a tradition that enhances the community feeling in the school.  Children learn how to use a wide range of percussion instruments, and learn the glockenspiel in Seal Class.

Children learn to appreciate the music of other cultures through discovery of multi-cultural instruments from around the world.

We use Kapow to support learning.

Physical Education and Physical Activity

The children participate in a diverse and wide range of PE lessons.  All Key Stage 2 children go to the Willowburn Sports Centre in Alnwick for swimming lessons for half the year.  We make good use of local sports clubs, qualified coaches and teaching specialists giving the children a wide variety of sporting experiences e.g. football, rugby, and cricket within the curriculum and after school clubs.  Newcastle United Foundation support our PE lessons through high quality provision to provided to all children in the school for half of the year.

One PE lesson each week is held at Beach School, where the children take part in a range of activities from orienteering and cross-country to tag rugby and cricket.

Children at the school take part in inter-school competitions and festivals, such as skipping, tag rugby, football, dodgeball and golf.  The school holds a School Games Silver Award.

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Through PSHE the children learn the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active responsible citizens.  The RSE curriculum supports children to make healthy relationship choices and understand how their bodies change, in an age-appropriate manner.

We use Kapow to support learning.

Religious Education (RE)

Pupils will gain knowledge and understanding about Christianity and other world faiths.  Children will be taught in a way that respects and maintains the integrity of all religions. As a church school we follow the Diocesan syllabus for RE (Understanding Christianity)

Foreign Languages 

We aim to foster an interest in language learning by introducing children to other languages in a way that is enjoyable and accessible to all pupils.  French is taught to all Key Stage 2 pupils. It is taught through interactive resources, speaking and listening activities and games.  We use Kapow to support learning.

Daily Act of Worship

Our school has a daily act of worship.  Parents may, if they wish, withdraw their children from these assemblies and RE.  Such requests should be made to the Headteacher in writing.

Arrangements for the act of Collective Worship are made by the school in accordance with requirements of the 1944 Education Act and the Education Reform Act 1988.

In accordance with our Trust Deed and statutory requirements, Collective Worship and RE are placed at the centre of the school life.

Beach School

As a school we go down to the beach each week.  Each session is carefully focused on curriculum elements, where the environment is used to enhance learning.

Extra Curricular Activities

Instrumental Music Lessons

If there is sufficient interest from pupils, we can arrange individual and small group music lessons during school time.

School Clubs

Out of school clubs are an important part of school life and we see these as important learning opportunities for the children.

Clubs change half-termly and run every week (apart from the first week and last week of each term), Monday to Thursdays. 

We continually look for ways to enrich the learning experiences for children. These may be achieved by attending special events, taking part in sporting and musical activities and by visiting places.

Wraparound Care

The school offers wraparound care for all children in the school, from 7.30 am and until 5.30 pm.  During this time children access the after-school clubs, are heard reading, or read to, complete homework and enjoy a range of other activities.  Children within the EYFS continue to follow the EYFS curriculum whilst in wraparound.


Children who have difficulty accessing the curriculum have programmes of intervention work specifically planned to meet their needs as well as receiving additional support so that they can access the curriculum and reach their full potential.

We firmly believe that the partnership between teachers and parents working together is paramount in best supporting and helping the child concerned. It is hoped that the child will overcome his/her difficulties, but sometimes it may be necessary to call in outside agencies, such as the Educational Psychologist who will make further assessments and suggest other strategies to be used.   

In the case of children who are specially gifted, classroom work is carefully planned to ensure that their talents are both developed and challenged.

 Take a look at the most up to date curriculum information by reading the class newsletters - click on the 'Classes' tab at the top of the page, then choose a class and open up their most recent newsletter to find out what the children are learning about at the moment.