7th June 2024

Welcome back after the half term – I hope you all had a lovely break and managed to enjoy the great British weather we experienced!

This week the children have worked hard on producing their own story in English.  This story was based on our class text Lila and the secret of the rain but we innovated it with our own ideas.  We made sure our stories had a beginning, a middle and an ending.  We were also making sure that we included some adjectives and adverbials and used interesting vocabulary choices.

In maths we were recapping the basics of fractions; identifying a half and a quarter, before looking at halves of amounts.  We began looking at rules in PSHE – we talked about why we have rules and discussed which ones were good and which ones we shouldn’t have!  There were some interesting thoughts on these.  We carried on with Sam from NUFC in PE.

On Thursday we did our Big Maths tests and there were so many certificates to hand out.  There were lots of scores being beaten from our previous week and lots of 10/10’s.  Well done Puffin’s your hard work is paying off! 

We had promotions for JESSIE and ARTHUR too – fantastic!

Have a good weekend.

Miss Murray