14th June 2024

This week in Puffin class we started our new class text.  For the next few weeks we are going to be seeing what adventures Claude gets up to in ‘Claude in the City’ by Alex T Smith.  So far this week we have used the text to help us build up a character profile about Claude and his best friend Sir Bobblysocks.  We then used the city scene to help us make a free verse poem.

In Maths we have been looking at quarters of shapes and amounts.  We used resources to help us work out ¼ of a number by sharing them into four groups and checking they were equal. 

For art this half term we are looking at sculptures.  We talked about how a sculpture differs from a painting or a drawing.  We looked at the sculpture ‘Other’ by Samantha Stephenson and tried to recreate it using a single piece of paper and no glue.  This proved tricky for the children but really made them think about how to use the paper creatively.  We got some decent attempts eventually.  We then looked at making paper tubes so that we could make a tube tower sculpture.  We spent the rest of the lesson investigating how to make the best tower.  Some children made tall thin ones, some short wide ones.  Some children used equipment to help them roll their tubes while others went freestyle.  Next, we learned how to attach the tubes to a base using flaps to create of finished sculpture.  The children worked hard and mostly independent and all managed to create a tube tower sculpture. 

We were playing some team games in PE this week.  Sam organised lots of games with twists and surprise rules for us that made us think carefully about working as a team.  In music we were thinking about orchestral instruments.  First, we made a list of instruments that could be found in an orchestra, then we learned about the different families; wind, brass, strings and percussion.  We then listened to a piece of music to see if we could identify any of the different families.

WILLIAM was my STAR of the week this week as he has been following Embleton Expects.  He has also been helping out his friends without needing to be asked.  What a great friend William.  Well done.

BIG MATHS promotions this week go to; WILLIAM, EMILIE, EMILY B and ROSIE BR.  Double promotion also goes to ARCHIE.  Well done Everyone.  Hard work is paying off!

Have a good weekend.

Miss Murray