Blog 17.05.24

This week our story has been ‘The Runaway Chapatti’ by Susan and Adam Price.  The story is a retelling of The Gingerbread Man but a girl is cooking a chapatti when the chapatti jumps up and runs away shouting ‘Run, run as fast you can.  You can’t put me in your frying pan!’ 

Our Rainbow challenges this week have been:

Writing – Nursery: Write a description of the girl in the story and tell a grown up what your writing says Reception: Write a description of the girl in the story

Maths – Nursery: Draw the extra stripes on the tiger Reception: Count the extra stripes and draw them on the tiger.

Funky Fingers – Nursery: Make a stone wall like the one in the story Reception: Use the hand you don’t use to write to make a stone wall.

Playdough– Nursery: Make a chapatti Reception: Make a playdough frying pan and a chapatti

Drawing – Follow the instructions to a monkey

Outside – Nursery: Run as fast as you can Reception: Run as fast as you can.

In maths this week the Reception children have continued learning about 3d solid shapes.  They have continued to use the language rotate, flip, position and fit.  The Nursery children have also been learning about 3d shape.

This week in Read, Write Inc. the Reception children have continued to learn about same sound but different spelling.  Some of the Nursery children have been learning the sounds f,e,l and h and the other Nursery children have continued to focus on rhyming and listening games

 This week we have enjoyed the warmer weather and we have all wanted to play outside.  In music we learnt a song about cars and then played a traffic light game where we needed to watch the lights and listen to the music.  We made some chapattis like the one in our story this week. Our didn’t run away and were very tasty! The Reception children then wrote about how to make them and sequenced photographs.  In PSHE we have been thinking about teamwork so played some games to help us think about working together.  In our PE with Sam this week we used the footballs, we had to really concentrate and watch the ball.

Next week we will continue with the story  ‘The Runaway Chapatti’ by Susan and Adam Price.