Blog 13.10.23

Our book this week was ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas.  The story is about the Colour Monster who wakes up one day feeling very confused. His emotions are all over the place; he feels angry, happy, calm, sad and scared all at once! To help him, a little girl shows him what each feeling means through colour.

Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story:

Writing – Write about how the colour monster feels

Maths – Put the correct number of eyes on the monsters

Funky Fingers – Follow the lines on the Colour Monster

Outside – Throw the coloured beanbags into the matching hoops

Creative – Paint a Colour Monster

Playdough – Create your own Colour Monster

We had another great week with Rainbow Challenges.  Nearly all the Reception children completed their Rainbow Challenges again.  We are very proud of them.

In maths this week the Reception children have been learning about patterns.  They have also continued counting accurately to twenty. The Nursery children have also been learning about patterns.  We also made monsters using 2d shapes.

In Read, Write Inc. this week the Reception children have been learning the sounds k, u, b and f.  The nursery children have been playing listening games focusing on moving in different ways and making different sounds to match pictures.

Our music this week was exploring the environmental sounds focussing on whether they were high or low, fast and slow.

 Our book this week was about colours and feelings. We made our own Colour Monsters but blowing some paint. We then decided how many eyes our monster would have.  We spoke about how the colours made us feel and sorted our own feelings into jars like the Colour Monster.

 As part of our RE theme ‘Being Special’ we looked at photos of how some of us had been welcomed into our families as babies.  We then found out about how babies are welcomed into Christian families through baptism.  We went to Holy Trinity church and looked at the font and pretended to baptise one of our dolls.  We baptised him ‘Charlie Paul’.  We gave him a candle just like real babies get when they are baptised.

 Starfish star of the week was Elen for using the sounds that she has been learning in Read, Write Inc. in her writing.  Well Done Elen!

 Next week our book will be ‘All Kinds of People’ by Emma Damon.