Blog 7.09.22

We were all pleased to be back and see our friends again and we welcomed some new nursery children to Starfish class.
This week we settled back into the routines of school.  We did some dough disco to help strengthen our finger muscles which will help with our pencil control.  The Nursery children did Squiggle while you Wiggle and the Reception children did pen disco.  Both of these will help with our mark making and writing.  We learnt some new songs and spoke about our new theme for this term 'What's Your Superpower?'
We also joined the rest of the school at church where Revd Alison welcomed us all back and reminded us of our school values of compassion, perseverance and respect. 
After the sad news about the death of Queen Elizabeth II we thought about our memories of her.  We looked at the photos from our jubilee party and looked at some of the books we had in our classroom about her life.