Blog 16.6.23

Our book this week has been ‘Little Roo and the Big Wide World’ by Guido Van Genechten.  In the story Little Roo says she's never going to leave her mummy's pocket, but she's getting far too big to be carried. So Mummy Kangaroo takes her hoppity-hoppity-hoppity, all round the big wide world, until Little Roo can't wait to go exploring by herself.

 Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story:

 Writing – Label the animals from the story

Maths – Work out the missing numbers using kangaroo jumps

Funky Fingers – Find Little Roo a pathway through the maze

Outside – Kangaroo jump around the playground

Creative – Use fingerprints to decorate a kangaroo

Playdough – Make Mummy Roo and Little Roo

 In maths this week the Reception children have been measuring, making repeating patterns, doubling and sharing equally.  The Nursery children have been solving real world number problems, reciting numbers past five and describing a sequence of events.

 The Reception children are continuing to learn new sounds in Read, Write Inc and working hard with their reading and spelling.   The Nursery children have been learning the sound ‘o’ and ‘c’.

 We have absolutely loved all the sunshine this week.  We have done lots of water play!  We have been on the bikes and scooters and used the traffic lights.  We have even been able to pick our first strawberries and eat them!

 Starfish star of the week is Penny  for trying really hard with her writing this week and thinking carefully about the sounds that she needs to use in words.

 Next week our story will be the Tinga Tinga tale of ‘How the Elephant got his Trunk’.