Blog 14.10.22


Our story this week was ‘Patcho and Pigeon-Dynamic Duo’.  In the story it’s the day of the ice cream festival and the villainous Dr Jelly is causing chaos across the city. Only Patcho and Pigeon can clean up the streets and save the day. 


Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this book:


Writing – Write a description of Patcho

Maths –  Count the windows in the tall building

Funky Fingers – Make a playdough pigeon

Construction – Build an ice cream stand

Creative – Put some windows in a sky scraper

Reading – Read the words from the story


We weren’t as successful this week in completing our challenges! Everybody some challenges but nobody managed to complete them all.



In maths this week the Reception children have been making number lines and finding different way to make numbers up to five.  The nursery children have been investigating triangles and exploring the language or bigger and smaller and taller and shorter. 


Ranger Jane came into school this week to help us make some flags for a top secret event that is happening in a few weeks time!


This week as part of our story ‘Patcho and Pigeon-Dynamic Duo’ we pretended to be Dr Jelly and cover some building that we made from Lego with green jelly.  It was a lot of fun!


Next week will be our final week of our ‘What’s your superpower?’ topic.  We will be learning about a local hero Grace Darling.