
This week in Seal Class, we have been continuing lots of our learning. In English, our focus has primarily been on exploring the magical world of 'The Iron Man'. The children have been analysing the language used to vividly describe the mighty Iron Man, enabling them to develop their descriptive writing skills and engage with the text on a deeper level. Moving on to the realm of Science, we embarked on an exciting discussion focusing on the effects of water on eroding rocks. And used our prior learning to talk like scientists explaining to each other all about rocks. In our Geography lesson it provided an opportunity for us to delve into the importance of marine conservation. They learned about the significance of safeguarding certain marine areas to preserve fragile ecosystems and protect biodiversity. Such meaningful discussions sparked their interest in environmental issues, encouraging them to become responsible global citizens. In computing, our focus was on the World Wide Web (WWW). The children gained insights into the function and structure of domain names, discovering how they can provide information about the physical location of a website. Furthermore, they explored the concept of data storage and how information is stored and accessed digitally. In maths we continued to learn about multiplication and division as related calculations. The children have been practicing various written methods to solve multiplication and division problems. 

Well done to Tilly, who received the Head Teacher's Award for her effort in TTRS. She has moved up numerous levels over the last month due to her hard work. Congratulations!