1st March 2024
Great to see everyone back at school this week looking all refreshed and ready to learn! Don’t worry not long until Easter – only 5 weeks. Ha ha.
We began this week by looking at a picture from our new English text. We discussed what we could see and what it reminded us of. We talked about the words in the middle of the picture ‘I LOVE MY WORLD’ and we discussed what we love about our world.
In Maths we began looking at money. Firstly, we identified the coins, discussed their properties, talked about their value and counted amounts. We compared different amounts by counting the value of the coins and used the more than, less than or equals symbols.
For computing this week we talked about sharing pictures and how it is important to ask permission before sharing photos. We watched Jessie and Friends and quickly realised what happens when everyone shares photos with everyone else. Miss Murray highlighted the importance of asking for permission before sharing. This important concept of asking for permission transferred across to our PSHE lesson. We were talking about appropriate and inappropriate physical contact. We talked about inappropriate physical contact being things such as hitting or kicking and appropriate physical contact being things like handshakes, high 5s and fist pumps. We talked about how sometimes physical contact can be appropriate for some but not for others such as tickling and hugs. We discussed the importance of asking permission for hugs etc. In history we talked about the word ‘significant’ and what it means. We discussed some of the people who have made a difference in the world and then some of the people who have made a difference in their own lives. We drew a picture of our significant individuals and wrote some sentences about what makes them significant to us.
On Wednesday we had our first session with Sam from the Newcastle United Foundation. The children were very excited and thoroughly enjoyed it. They listened hard to the rules of the games and participated well in the various team games. The children are beginning to understand how important it is to work in a team. Also on Wednesday afternoon we did some music. We are learning to play an instrument at the same time as sing a song. This was hard multi-tasking but we tried our hardest and were much better by the end of the lesson. For Design Technology this half term we are designing and making puppets. This week we looked at and had a go at various different joining techniques. We tried stapling, gluing and running stitch. We found some were harder than others but some were much more effective than others.
We have had a good week for Big Maths too with lots of scores beaten and lots of 10/10s. Well done to everyone but especially to EMILY B, ROSIE BR & CONNIE who were all promoted this week and double well done to LUCY who got double promotions in both her CLIC and her SAFE tests.
Have a good weekend everyone