Blog 23.6.23

Our book this week has been the Tinga Tinga tale of ‘How the Elephant got his Trunk’. The story is set in Tanzania at the time when Elephant had no trunk. He couldn't swat away flies, or scrub his belly, so he was very pongy indeed! Crocodile bit Elephant on the end of his stubby nose and he had to get help from the other animals! Elephant's nose became all long and wiggly! Elephant decided to call his new nose a Trunk and from that day on he can scrub and swat away the flies and when he blows his new trunk he has the loudest trumpet in Tinga Tinga!

Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story:

 Writing – Write about how the elephant got his trunk

Maths – Find a trail through the numbers for elephant

Funky Fingers – Fold a concertina trunk for elephant

Outside – Draw a picture of an elephant using chalk

Creative – Make a sensory elephant trunk bottle

Construction – Make a Lego elephant


All the reception children that were in school this week completed all their challenges.  Great job!


In maths this week the Reception children have been counting up to 100 and recognising numbers to 100.  The Nursery children have been saying one number for each item they count and recite numbers past 5.


The Reception children are continuing to learn new sounds in Read, Write Inc and working hard with their reading and spelling.   The Nursery children have been learning the sound ‘k’ and ‘u’.


We have continued to spend lots of time outside this week completing our challenges and extending our learning.  We have been investigating different ways of transporting water which has been really fun!  We have also been eating our strawberries and lettuce that we have planted.


Starfish star of the week is Elise for making lots of progress with her reading and writing. Well done Elise!


Next week our story will be ‘We’re Going on a Bear hunt’ by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury