Blog 15.3.24


This week our story has been ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell.  The story is about three owlets Sarah, Percy and Bill who wake up one night to find their owl mother gone. The trio worry about her absence, but are then elated when she returns from her night flight.

These have been our Rainbow Challenges this week:

Writing – Nursery: Label the different parts of an owl and tell an adult what your writing says Reception: Label the different parts of an owl.  Use the sounds that you know.

Maths – Nursery: Count the owls (1-5) Reception: Count the owls and write the number (10-20).

Funky Fingers – Nursery: Draw over the owl lines Reception: Use three different colours and draw owl the owl lines

Creative – Nursery: Create an owlet Reception:  Create an owlet and write a list of what you have used

Playdough– Nursery: Use playdough to make some owl footprints Reception: Make ten owl footprints using playdough

Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw an owl

Outside – Nursery: Find three different sized sticks Reception: Find three different sized sticks and measure them


The Reception children completed all the Rainbow Challenges and Gold Challenges this week.  Well done!


In maths this week the Reception children have been finding different ways to make nine and have continued practising counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.  The Nursery children have been learning about shorter and longer and have been comparing the length different things.  They have also been practising number recognition by parking toy cars in numbered parking spaces.


This week in Read, Write Inc. the Reception children have been practising the sounds that they have been learning and using them to write words and sentences.  The nursery children have been focusing on listening games and listening to sounds in words matching the sounds to pictures.


On Wednesday we played some different tag games with Sam from Newcastle United Foundation.  This week we played an animal tag game and travelled around the playground in lots of different ways. 


In music our musical story this week was ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’.  We chose different instruments to make the sounds for the story.


This week we have been using owls and stick puppets to help us retell the story of ‘Owl Babies’.  We have also been thinking of what the baby owls have been saying and the Reception children have been writing speech bubbles.  We have sequenced the story using the language first, second and third and the Reception children have also been describing the owl mummy and making ‘Missing’ posters for her.


This week it has been Science week.  We have been doing lots of investigations.  We tried to make sugar crystals but it didn’t really work!  We are going to try again next week and dissolve more sugar.  We watched what happened when we added washing up liquid to milk and food colouring, we painted in bicarbonate of soda using food colouring mixed with white vinegar, we painted on bread using milk with food colouring and then toasted our bread and our last investigation was to watch what happened when two different colours of food colouring soaked into a paper towel.  We did lots of taking about change and what had and happened and why.


Our Starfish star of the week was Elijah for trying really hard with his writing.  Well done Elijah!


Next week we will continue with our story ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell.