Worship by the Waves 8.3.23

Compassion was our Beatitude focus for Worship by the Waves today.  We all know what compassion is as it is one of our school Christian values.  We are good at being compassionate and showing people we care.

In Worship by the Waves today we heard a story that Jesus told called ‘The Good Samaritan’.  The story told us about  a traveller who was beaten and robbed and left half dead alongside the road. First, a Jewish priest and then a Levite come by, but both avoid the man. Finally, a Samaritan sees upon the traveller and helps him.

We then each held a shell or stone and thought about someone we know who is sick or sad.  Some of us said a quiet prayer for that person and we then all placed our stones and shells around our candles.

We finished by singing ‘Love one another’ and saying a prayer.