Autumn 23 - LKS2 Visit to Hancock and Mosque

The Mosque:
Zach, Jack, Beatrice, Marley, and Alexander
When we visited the mosque, we had to take off our shoes and place them on a rack. The floor of the mosque was covered with soft carpet. During our lunch break, we enjoyed chocolate milk in an attic.

Faye and Lucas:
The School Trip
During our visit to the mosque, we respectfully removed our shoes upon entering. Inside the mosque, we noticed a book called the Quran, which is similar to the bible for Muslims. The mosque serves as a place of worship for Muslims. Before they pray, they cleanse themselves by washing their arms, hands, feet, and face. Additionally, they use a special tooth-cleaning stick that doesn't require toothpaste. They also have charcoal toothpaste, which appears black but leaves the mouth clean. As part of their religious observance, they fast for 30 days, refraining from eating or drinking during this period.

Oscar and Josh:
Our Trip to the Mosque
Our class had the opportunity to visit the Mosque last Tuesday. During our visit, we learned about their concept of god, which they refer to as Allah. In Saudi Arabia, there is a grand mosque that houses the Kaaba. Once a year, the King of Saudi Arabia enters the Kaaba to clean it with a duster.

Amalia and Polly:
Our Amazing School Trip to the Mosque
Our school trip to the mosque was absolutely incredible. We learned a lot about the Muslim faith, such as the Muslim practice of facing Mecca when praying. When men and boys visit Mecca to perform Tawaf (circumambulation) around the Kaaba, they are required to shave their heads. On the other hand, women and girls are only required to cut a small amount of their hair. After completing Tawaf, they must proceed to the desert and symbolically reject the Devil by throwing pebbles at stone structures.

Before Muslims pray, they diligently wash their face, feet, the top of their head, ears, and even behind their ears. We also learned about Islamic prayer rituals and the sacred book, the Quran. Brother Kadim demonstrated how Muslims clean their teeth using a Miswak tree before praying. It was interesting to note that Muslim men never trim their beards, as we observed Brother Mohamed with his long beard.

Hancock by Campbell, Martin, and Cameron
Yesterday, we visited the Hancock museum and learned about the Stone Age and the Bronze Age, as well as how they shaped the land. It was fascinating to discover how people in these eras hunted and farmed. There were three periods within the Stone Age: the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic. We had the opportunity to handle swords and various other artifacts, such as skulls and flint arrowheads - they were truly amazing!

There was also a tunnel that gave the impression of being inhabited by lava and snakes, although it was actually a projection. It was a thrilling experience, and we all screamed in fear. But of course, it was all in good fun. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, especially when we learned about the Bronze Age. It surprised us to realize that the people in the Stone Age were just as intelligent, if not more so, than us.

The Hancock Museum by Ella and Rory
During our visit to the Hancock museum, we particularly enjoyed the exhibit on the journey to the afterlife. It was quite terrifying as snakes emerged from the holes in the walls and the ground appeared to burn up. We also explored the exhibits on the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. We saw swords, skulls, rabbit leather, and even a T-rex skeleton. Additionally, there were displays of Greek Pottery and a depiction of the journey of the afterlife, featuring lava and snakes.

Personally, we found the bones and the Stone Age section the most intriguing. In fact, I (Ella) have developed a desire to experience life in the Stone Age myself.

Hancock by Florence and Harry
During our visit, we learned about how people in the Stone Age survived in the wilderness. They skillfully crafted tools out of flint, such as arrowheads, swords, and spears. These tools were used for hunting animals and determining which berries and nuts were edible or poisonous. Stone Age people even hunted Woolly Mammoths, which can be described as hairy elephants. They were courageous, brave, and clever.

Next, we delved into the Bronze Age period. Contrary to popular belief, people during this time did not use swords and shields for fighting. Instead, these items were primarily used for decoration, symbolizing bravery. People in the Bronze Age excelled in crafting bronze swords and axes.