Foundation Governors

  • Mr Alan Craft

    Chair of Governors

    I became Chairman of governors in summer 2016, having recently retired from 40 years of work as a consultant paediatrician in Newcastle. I have lived in Embleton since 1992 and understand the importance of a good primary school to the village and surrounding area as well as the importance of children getting the best educational start in life.

  • Mrs Jan Ainsley

    An Embleton resident since 1999, I founded the community magazine, the Whinstone Times
    and now lead its editorial team. Before having children, I worked in hospital Haematology.
    Later, I ran a branch of the RSPCA, setting up its Aylesbury shop and serving on the
    charity’s national governing council, before qualifying and working as a pet behaviourist.
    Our three children began their education at a school very like Embleton Primary. This
    convinced me that young children best enjoy their early school days when home is nearby.
    Proud to be one of the school’s governors, I’m conscious of the responsibility we have to
    ensure that the school provides the best possible education and thrives as a vital part of the

  • Rev Alison Hardy

    I am the Vicar of Embleton and delighted to be a foundation governor at our village school. I am keen to develop strong and happy relationships between Church and school and believe that the future of Embleton as a thriving community depends on having our school at its heart. I am proud to continue the legacy of my predecessor, Rev Vincent Edwards believing that Christian values provide a supportive framework for our children as they learn to play their part in making a better world.

  • Ms Helen Wood

    I was educated at Embleton Vincent Edwards as was my Mother and Grandmother, so my commitment to the school runs deep. After beginning my education here in Embleton I drew it to a close by studying Accountancy at the University of Northumbria at Newcastle. I worked for a firm of Chartered Accountants for eight years and a Holiday Park for three years, before beginning my own business as an Accountant and Administrator.
    My daughter attended the school, and I was delighted with how it helped to shape her.

  • Mrs Jennie Kenny

    A relative newcomer to the village, I have lived in Embleton for 2 years, delighting not only in the breathtaking beauty of this special place but also in the sense of community that lies at its heart.

    My career pathway began in the NHS as a midwife. With 3 children in school, I went on to set up a social enterprise cafe and meeting place. More recently I trained as a Dramatherapist, working with children in a special educational needs provision school.

    These various roles have one thing in common - a desire to see others fulfil their potential and discover their story through a compassionate relationship to Self, Others and the world around them - a wish I see reflected in the ethos of Vincent Edwards Primary School.

    It is a privilege to be involved in a school which underpins learning with values to provide a strong foundation for future growth and development - supported by a curriculum which fosters a connection to the wonderful natural environment that is Embleton Village and Bay.

  • Mr Mark Green

    A father of two, my youngest child attended the school for 2 years, before moving on to High School. I have had a career as a lawyer and now run a design and business consultancy with my wife. The school acts as an important hub for Embleton and the surrounding villages - as well as educating our children it provides social glue for the wider community. Seeing the children taking part in beach school on Fridays fills me with joy.

  • Mr David Elkin

    I moved to Embleton in 1999, having previously visited the area numerous times for holidays, which first began when my son wanted to see puffins. He is now 24 and a primary school teacher and my daughter is 26 and working for the NSPCC.

    I’ve worked in information technology for many years, currently leading a global team that provides communication and collaboration solutions for one of the large accounting and consultancy firms. Outside work I am a keen cook, gym-goer and occasional open water swimmer and I love walking along the coast and taking the occasional photograph. Embleton is a wonderful place to live with a great sense of community, so when the opportunity came up to get more involved in the school and support its continued success, I had no hesitation.