School Governors

Governor role

Number of Governors on the Governing Body

Definition of role

Foundation Governors


A person appointed to be a member of a school’s Governing Body, otherwise than by the LA, to ensure that the school preserves its particular religious character or that it is conducted in accordance with the terms of a trust deed.

Local Authority (LA) Governor

1 A person appointed as a Governor by the LA.

Parent Governors 


A parent elected by other parents of children at a school to serve on the Governing Body.

Staff Governors


The Headteacher and/or people working at the school who are elected as Governors by people who are paid to work at the school.

Associate Members


Additional individuals who may have something to offer the Governing Body in terms of expertise, but who do not have voting rights.



Foundation Governors

LA Governor

Parent Governors

Staff Governors

Associate Members

Sir Alan Craft (chair)

Mrs Jan Ainsley

Ms Helen Wood

Revd Alison Hardy

Mr Mark Green

Mrs Jennie Kenny

Mr David Elkin



 Mr James Wilson





Mr Fred Bosanquet


Mrs Joanna Robertson



Mrs Nicola Threlfall (headteacher)

Mrs Ann Popay (staff member)



To find out more about the Governors of Embleton Vincent Edwards C of E Aided Primary click on the links at the top of the page.