22 March 2024


After Worship by the Waves today, the first thing we did was our RE.  We listened to the story of Palm Sunday and then acted it out in the sand dunes.  We couldn’t find any palm branches to wave like they did when Jesus rode on a donkey through Jerusalem so we used ferns to wave instead.

After that we had to clamber down the sand dunes to get on the beach.  We had our snack and then we each had a cut out of an Easter egg.  We spoke about the books ‘This is not my…….. It’s too…………’  We used our cut out Easter eggs to put over different things on the beach.  We then thought of descriptive words about our eggs.  “That’s not my egg, it’s too  sandy, rocky, shelly, seaweedy, pebbly, grainy, yellow.”  We then collected some shells and decorated our eggs with them.

The sea was very calm today so we sat and watched the waves.  We spoke about whether the tide was going in or out and how we could work it out.  We decided to put a stick at the water’s edge and sit and watch the waves.  We noticed that after a while the waves came past our stick so we knew that the tide was coming in.

The last thing we did before going back for lunch was to play a game of Easter bunny tag.  It was really fun!