Blog 1.3.24

 This week we began our new theme ‘Into the Woods’.   Our story this week has been ‘Stanley’s Stick’ by John Hegley.  In the story Stanley's stick is not just a stick. With his stick in his hand, Stanley's options are endless - he flies to the moon, writes in the sand, goes fishing, plays a whistle and rides a dinosaur.   He then hurls his stick into the sea and then finds a different stick which he names ‘fantastick’.


Writing – Nursery: Make a list of what Stanley used his stick as and tell an adult what your writing says Reception: Make a list of what Stanley used his stick as and use the sounds that you know in your writing.

Maths – Nursery: Make some shapes using sticks Reception: Make some shapes using sticks and write a label for each stick.

Funky Fingers – Nursery: Wrap some wool around a stick Reception: Wrap three different coloured wools around a stick

Creative – Nursery: Make the first letter of your name using sticks  Reception:  Make your name using sticks.

Construction– Nursery: Build a train track and Stockport Station Reception: Build a train track and Stockport Station and write a sign for the station.

Drawing – Follow the instructions to a cup and saucer

Outside – Nursery: Make a bug hotel Reception: Make a bug hotel and tell a friend how you made it


Most of the Reception children completed all their challenges.  Well done! 

 In maths this week the Reception children have been counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and have been learning about o’clock and half past.  The Nursery children have been exploring numbers 1 to 5.


This week in Read, Write Inc. the Reception children have been learning the sounds ‘ar’, ‘or’ and ‘air’. They have been using these sounds to write words.  The nursery children have been focusing on listening games and listening to sounds in words.  We have also been writing about sticks.  We thought about our story and all the different things that Stanley used his stick as, we then acted out something we thought a stick could be and then wrote our ideas down.

We were very excited on Wednesday to find out that we would be doing some PE with Sam from Newcastle United Foundation.  What a fun time we had!  We played lots of games and learnt some new skills.

 Our music theme this half term is 'Musical Stories'.  This week we listened to the song 'Teddy Bears Picnic'.  we used teddy bears to help us to dance the story.

Next week we will continue with our book ‘Stanley’s Stick’ by John Hegley.