Blog 14.7.23



Our book this week was ‘Immi’ by Karin Littlewood.  In this story Immi finds a beautiful wooden bird at the end of her fishing line, and every day after that she discovers something new, until her igloo is the brightest thing in the land.

Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story:

Writing – Write a list of what Immi found to put on her necklace

Maths – Write numbers on the igloo

Funky Fingers – Make a necklace like Immi

Outside – Use the fishing rods to catch fish

Creative – Make a red flower just like the one Immi found

Playdough – Make a playdough bird and polar bear like the ones Immi wore around her neck

Everyone did a brilliant job of completing challenged this week – great work Starfish!

In maths this week the Reception children have been consolidating their learning of sharing and have been counting and recognise numbers to one hundred.   The Nursery children have been solving problems with numbers greater than five, describing sequences and comparing quantities.

The Reception children are continuing to learn new sounds in Read, Write Inc and working hard with their reading and spelling.   The Nursery children have been learning the sound ‘h’ and ‘r’.

This week we have been meeting some new friends as we have had visits from some of the children that will be joining Starfish Class in September.  The Reception children had a day in Puffin Class which was very exciting and Trinity Tots came to visit us on Thursday morning.

In RE we have learning about the Christian creation story and how God created the world.  We found out that Christians believe that Adam, the first man, named all the animals on earth. We made a list of as many animals as we could.  There were loads!

Next week will be the last week of term before the summer holidays.