Blog 6.10.23

Our book this week was ‘Astro Girl’ by Ken Wilson-Max.  The story is about a little girl called Astrid.  She has always loved the stars and space. "I want to be an astronaut!" she says. While her Mama is away, Papa and Astrid have fun acting out the challenges an astronaut faces on a space mission - eating food from a tube, doing science experiments, living and sleeping in near-zero gravity. Astrid can do it all! Then it's time to meet Mama at the airbase. Astrid’s Mama is an astronaut and Astrid wants to be just like her.

Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story:

 Writing – Draw and write about what you would take into space

Maths – Use the correct Numicon to make a rocket

Funky Fingers – Use the tweezers to pick out the sequin stars

Outside – Blow some ping pong ball asteroids

Creative – Create a space picture on black paper

Construction – Use blocks to build a rocket.

 We had a great week with Rainbow Challenges.  Nearly all the Reception children completed their Rainbow Challenges and their Gold Challenge.  We are very proud of them

 In maths this week the Reception children have been comparing size and capacity.  They have also been practising counting accurately to twenty and becoming more confident with doubles and halves. The Nursery children have been sorting by colour, shape and size.  As part of our learning through our story this week, we practised counting down from ten pretending that we were blasting off in a rocket!

 In Read, Write Inc. this week the Reception children have been learning the sounds p, g, o and c.  The nursery children have been playing listening games focusing on different instruments and playing a guessing game with sounds that we hear in our homes.

 Our music this week was exploring the sounds different instruments make.  We used the instruments to play along to a song.  We played slowly and quickly and watched for when we needed to play.

 In our book this week was about going into space. We looked at some pictures of rockets and made our own by making a tube from a piece of card.  In the story Astrid’s mum was an astronaut we discussed what types of jobs people we know do and then drew a picture and wrote about what we want to be when we grow up.  We also thought about what Astrid was like.  We drew a picture of her and wrote about the things she likes and what she looked like.

 As part of our RE theme ‘Being Special’ we found out that Christians believe that they are special to God because the Bible tells them that God loves them even before they are born and that their names are written on God’s hand.  We all wrote our names on a big hand and then drew round our own hand, wrote our name on it and drew pictures of people that are special to us.

 Everyone was Starfish star of the week was this week because we were all so amazing when we went to Heatherslaw Mill last Wednesday!

 Next week our story will be ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas.