
Another week over, another week closer to half term.  The weeks are flying by!  It’s true what they say – time flies when you are having fun!

This week has been filled with Jack and the Beanstalk.  We are going to be making our own versions of the story so we have had to think of ways we can change the story.  The parts of the story we thought we could change are; the thing he climbs up instead of a beanstalk, the thing he sells instead of Milky White the cow and the building he visits at the top of the beanstalk.  We also took a look at the beanstalks we have been growing and filled in our plant diaries.

On Tuesday, in Art, we began making flower collages.  We thought carefully about the colours and textures we could use to create the flowers then using the materials available selected the most appropriate ones.

In Maths this week we have been concentrating on finding fractions of amounts.  We have also been working hard on our handwriting, big maths key skills and our reading this week. 

WELL DONE to AIDAN and MARTIN who have been promoted in their Learn its in Big Maths!! Super work. 

STAR OF THE WEEK this week goes to JACK who has tried really hard in his Big Maths tests this week and wrote a lovely alliteration poem on the beach.  Well done!

Have a lovely weekend!
