Blog 19.5.23

 Our book this week has been ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ by Vivien French.  This story is about Oliver who won't eat anything apart from chips - until he plays a game with his grandpa.  Whatever vegetable Oliver finds in the garden, he must eat. On Monday, he pulls up carrots, on Tuesday, it is spinach.  Through the course of the week Oliver eats lots of different vegetables until he finally finds the potatoes and he can have chips for tea!

 Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story:

 Writing – Write about what you can see in the garden

Maths – Weigh the vegetables to find out which is the heaviest

Funky Fingers – Plant the lolly stick vegetables

Outside – Plant some carrot and lettuce seeds

Creative – Make carrots using a cone of paper

Construction – Make Grandpa’s shed and bench

 In maths this week the Reception children have been adding along a number line and subitising and estimating larger numbers. The Nursery children have been learning about different sizes.

 The Reception children are continuing to learn new sounds in Read, Write Inc and working hard with their reading and spelling.   The Nursery children have been learning the sounds ‘d’ and ‘i’.

 We looked at our wormeries that we made last week.  We amazed to see that the worms had mixed up all the sand and soil.  We were excited to see the worm tunnels through the sides of the plastic bottles.

This week we have been getting outside lots.  We have loved playing in the water area and mud kitchen.  Some of us planted lettuce and carrot seeds alongside our beans, strawberries and herbs.  We can’t wait for them all to grow so we can eat them.  We have also used the tool bench this week.  We have used the hammer to put beads on nails and have used the screwdriver to put screws in wood.

 Our RE this term is Special Stories.  This week we heard a Buddhist story   We heard the story of The Monkey King.  We retold the story using paper bag puppets.

 Starfish star of the week is William for always remembering all our poems and songs.

 Next week our story will be ‘The Things That I Love about Trees’ by Chris Butterworth.