Blog 2.12.22

 This week our book of the week was ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’  by Giles Andreae.  In the story Gerald the giraffe longs to go to the great Jungle Dance, but how can he join in when he doesn't know how to tango or two-step? Everyone knows that giraffes can't dance but Gerald surprises all the other animals in the end.

 Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this book:

 Writing – Write about a giraffe

Maths –  Roll the dice and count out cereal spots to fill the giraffe

Funky Fingers – Use different coloured pencils to go over the spots on the giraffe

Reading – Choose your favourite part of the story and say why it is your favourite

Creative – Make brown paint and put some finger print spots on the giraffe

Playdough – Make Gerald’s face using playdough

 We did a great job of completing our challenges this week.  Nearly all the Reception children completed their challenges and their gold challenge this week – well done!

 This week we used the instruments to make some music to dance to, just like Gerald danced to music in the story.  We all had a turn to dance in the middle of the circle to the music.  We watched and listened carefully so we could all start and stop at the same time.

 In maths the Reception children have been learning about the properties of squares and rectangles and used the iPads to take photographs of squares and rectangles they could find in the classroom.  The Nursery children have been learning about number five and have been singing lots of songs with five in.

 As this week it was the start of advent we put up Christmas decorations in our classroom and helped to decorate the tree in the hall.  We are all excited about Christmas!

 Next week our story will be ‘Little Robin Red Vest’ by Jan Fearnley.