
This week in maths, our focus has been on money. The children have been busy counting different notes and coins, and the year fours have even been learning how to represent them using decimal notation. They have picked this up quickly and are really showing a great understanding of how to work with money.

In computing, we have been starting to create a class vlog video to share our learning. We have been thinking about the best ways to present our ideas, including using images and audio, in order to make our videos engaging and informative. The children are really excited about this project and I can't wait to see the finished product!

On our trip to the quarry, we had the opportunity to use classification keys to identify different types of animals. The children's knowledge of this concept has really advanced thanks to this, and they have shown great enthusiasm in learning more about the creatures around us.

Among all this, our year fours have been diligently working on their MTCs, and have done a fantastic job. I am so impressed with their progress and hard work.

Lastly, we have been continuing our exploration of "A Midsummer Night's Dream." This week we entered the forest and met Oberon, Titania, and Puck for the first time. The children are really enjoying this play and are engaged in the story.
This week's Stars of the Week are the Y4s for their fantastic effort in their MTCs. Well done!