Blog 1.12.23

This week we have continued with our story, ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.  We have been changing the story to make our own stories.

Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to ‘Little Red Riding Hood’:

Writing – Write about the story

Maths – Fill in the missing numbers on the path to Grandma’s house

Funky Fingers – Draw a path between the lines

Creative – Make a paper basket

Playdough– Make some playdough tress

Drawing – Draw a basket

Outside – Draw a path on the playground

In maths this week the Reception children have been learning about identifying and making different shapes. They have also continued to use the language of first, second, next, after in their story telling. The Nursery children have been sorting in different ways and talking about how they have sorted.

In Read, Write Inc. this week the Reception children have been practising writing cvc words and writing sentences.  The nursery children have been listening and identifying rhyming words and linking sounds to pictures.

Our music this term is Celebration Music.  This week we listened to some Christmas Celebration music. We learnt to sing ‘Jingle Bells’ and used bells to play the beat in the song.

This week we have been changing the story of Little Red Riding Hood and have made up our own stories using story maps and story mountains.  We have also found out facts about real wolves and have written about them. 

This week as part of our RE theme ‘Why do Christians perform a nativity play at Christmas?’ we learnt about the important parts that the angels played in the story.  We then made our own angels of our own nativity scene.

Andy Tooze, the poet, came into school today.  We had been learning one of his poems ‘Connected’.  We performed it in front of him and he was very impressed!  He also told us some of his poems and we joined in with the actions.

This week we have also been getting ready for Christmas by decorating Christmas trees in the hall and in our classroom.  We also made Christmas wreaths using tissue paper.

Next week our story of the week will be  ‘Little Robin Red Vest’ by Jan Fearnley.