Blog 29.4.22


This week our story was ‘Around the World with Max and Lemon’.  The story is about a girl called Max who is determined to find out if she is unique. She sets off on a journey to find someone just like her. She travels around the world, meeting lots of new friends. Her journey covers a mountain, a desert, the jungle, the Arctic, the ocean and an island.


Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story:


Writing – Make a list of what you would put in a suitcase if you were going on a sunny trip

Maths – Make a repeating pattern for a woolly hat

Funky Fingers – Cut out the winter clothes

Construction – Design and make a boat

Creative – Make a musical instrument to play

Reading – Choose your favourite place to go in a travel brochure and say why you would like to go there. 


In music this week we used the pasta and rice shakers and our shell shakers from the beach in music with Mr Easton.  We tried really hard to count and shake at the same time.  Some of us found it tricky to play our shaker the same number of times that we counted!


In our story this week we saw some weaving that was done using alpaca wool in Peru.  We didn’t have any alpaca wool but we had a go at some weaving with coloured wool.  We all concentrated really hard.


It was our last week of Yayoi Kusama as our artist of the month.  This week we used bingo dabbers to make a polka dot pattern in the style of her work.


Our RE this term is special stories.  This week we thought of stories that were special to us.  We discussed how they made us feel: happy, sad, excited, scared, or worried.  We said that some stories can make us feel lots of different emotions.


We went to the park again this week which was great fun! We also walked up to school again to see what was happening with the building work.  We saw that the side wall and the staffroom window had gone and there was a big hole outside Melissa’s office!


Next week our story will be ‘Story Path’ by Kate Baker