Blog 1.4.22

We were all excited to come to school today as our school is now in the Creighton Hall!  When we went in our room we were so pleased that we still had lots of our resources.


Our book this week was ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell.  The story is about three owlets that wake up one night to find their owl mother gone.  They worry about her absence but re excited when she returns from her night flight.


Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been about owls:


Writing – Label an owl

Maths – Count the owls and write the number

Funky Fingers – Use tweezers to fill the baby owl with pom-poms

Construction – Make a house for an owl

Creative – Make a baby owl from a pie cone

Reading – Choose your favourite owl book and say why it is your favourite



We have been doing lots of activities linked to owls this week.  We found out about where different owls live, we wrote captions about the story, we made cotton wool ball owlets and 2d shape owls.  We went outside to make an owl nest using twigs, leaves and feathers just like the owl nest in the story.  It started to snow when we were outside which was really fun.  We watched the snowflakes melt and tasted the snow!


Our artist of the month is Yayoi Kusama.  A Japanese artist who used polka dots in her creations.  We had a go at making a polka dot pumpkin in the style of Yayoi Kusama’s.


We did Helicopter Stories and told some great stories all with a beginning, middle and end!  In RE this week we heard the story of Palm Sunday and  acted it out.  We loved cheering loudly!


Next week we will be hearing the Easter story and doing some Easter activities.