Blog 12.5.23

Our book this week has been ‘Yucky Worms’ by Vivien French.  This book is a story and a non-fiction book that tells us all about worms.  We found out that worms are fun, fascinating and wriggly! The earthworm plays an important role in the environment, as all farmers and gardeners know: it aerates the soil, composts dead matter into rich humus in which seeds can germinate and plants can grow.


Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story:


Writing – Write a worm story

Maths – Find pairs of worms that make ten

Funky Fingers – Wrap wool around a worm shape

Outside – Find some worms

Creative – So some string painting to make a worm picture

Playdough – Make a shorter and longer playdough worn than the picture ane measure your worms


This week, for the first time  in a long while all the Reception children completed their Rainbow and Gold challenge!  Well done everybody.


In maths this week the Reception children have finding missing numbers on a number line and adding using a number line. The Nursery children have continued to learning about the properties and names of shapes and have been making shape pictures.


The Reception children are continuing to learn new sounds in Read, Write Inc and working hard with their reading and spelling.   The Nursery children have been recapping the sounds s,a,t,p and learning the sound ‘m’.  They have been identifying and sorting objects and pictures.


As we have been learning about worms this week we made a wormery.  We went outside and collected some soil and layered soil with sand in an empty bottle.  We then collected some worms to put inside.  After we put the worms inside we put some leaves on top and a little bit of water.  We then wrapped black paper around the outside to make it dark so the worms will think they are underground.


This week we also replanted our beans as they have got too big for their pots.  We can’t wait for them to grow so we can eat them!  We also noticed that there are strawberries growing on our strawberry plants.  In music we have been learning about tempo (fast and slow) and dynamics (louder and softer) when playing the musical instruments.


Our RE this term is Special Stories.  This week we have been learning about special stories for Muslims.   We heard the story of The Crying Camel.  We thought about how we could care for animals just as Muhammed (PBUH) did in the story.


Starfish star of the week is Liam D for amazing addition using a number line.  Well done Liam!


Next week out story will be ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ by Vivian French (the same author as our story this week.)