Blog 19.1.24
This week we had our second week of learning using the book ‘The Smeds and the Smoos’ by Julia Donaldson.
Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story:
Writing – Nursery: Write about a planet that the Smeds and the Smoos visited and tell an adult what your writing says. Reception: Write a description of planet that the Smeds and the Smoos visited and use the sounds that you know in your writing.
Maths – Nursery: Make a rocket using 2d flat shapes. Reception: Make a rocket using 2d flat shapes and write a list of the shapes you used
Funky Fingers – Nursery: Make a friendship bracelet for Janet or Bill. Reception: Make a friendship bracelet for Janet or Bill using a three colour repeating pattern.
Creative – Nursery: Make an alien. Reception: Make an alien and write a list of what you used.
Playdough– Nursery: Create Planet Lurglestop covered in roses. Reception: Create Planet Lurglestop covered in roses and write a sentence to describe it.
Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw a planet
Outside – Nursery: Make a new drink for the Smeds and the Smoos. Reception: Make a new drink for the Smeds and the Smoos and write what you used.
Some of the Reception children completed all their challenges and gold challenges this week. Well done!
In maths this week the Reception children have been learning about 1 more/less and 2 more/less and finding pairs of numbers that make ten. The Nursery children have been practising counting make sure that they touch the object they have been counting and have been counting sides on triangles. We have also been doing some careful measuring using black tea, just like the Smoo’s drink.
This week in Read, Write Inc. we have been recapping sounds that we learnt last term. The nursery children have been identifying the sounds made by different instruments, played games using sounds linked to firefighters and listening to the sounds at beginning of words.
In music we have started a new theme ‘Action Songs’. This week we have been listening to music and finding the beat by clapping, stamping, jumping and tapping. We have also been learning about the moon (not the Squoon in ‘The Smeds and the Smoos!) this week with Mrs Threlfall. We found out some information about the moon and the Reception children wrote a fact about it. Some of us also designed our own planet and the Reception children used their phonic knowledge to write a description.
This week we began our new RE theme ‘Which places are special and why’ We thought about places that are special to us. We painted some pictures of our special places and spoke about why they are special to us.
We ended our two weeks of learning using the story ‘The Smeds and the Smoos’ with a Smeds and a Smoos party where we made some Smeds and Smoos masks, we drank pink milk and ate brown bread and green stew (lime jelly with green grapes!). We then watched the animation of ‘The Smeds and the Smoos’.
This week our Starfish star of the week was Elijah working hard. Well done Elijah!
Our story next week will be ‘The Bowerbird’ by Julia Donaldson.