
As we approach the half-term, I am proud to reflect on the wonderful learning experiences we have had this week.

Firstly, the children completed their Geography Topic on Italy, where they created a fact-file exploring various aspects of Italy including the Capital City, Famous Landmarks, Language Spoken, Bordering Countries and a Fun Fact to share with the group. I was highly impressed with their work, and it has been a great addition to our atlas.

Additionally, we concluded our unit on the book "Boy at the Back of the Class" in English. To conclude the unit, we consolidated key themes explored in the book, including influences, rumours, bullying and refugees before moving on to writing our very own refugee stories. The children's work was excellent, and I encourage you to ask them to share this with you.

To ensure that our students are well prepared for the upcoming Multiplication Times Table Check next half-term, we have also spent time consolidating our key skills through practice sessions on the Times Table Rockstars. I strongly advise Year 4 students to practice at home as well.

Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation and commend the children for their hard work and dedication this half-term. Additionally, I applaud their fantastic pieces of homework and their enthusiasm and engagement in their topic homework.
This week's Star of The Week is Faye for her fantastic story called Refugee Kids.

Wishing you all a fantastic half-term!