
Homework Requirements:

- at least 4 times a week. All reading must be recorded on Boom-Read. Children who have at least 4 reading sessions recorded will get Dojo points and an extra playtime on a Thursday afternoon.

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
- complete any pieces of SpellingShed work that have been set. 

- complete any pieces of MathsShed work that have been set.

- TTRS practice 4 x 5 minute sessions per week. Certificates are awarded on a Monday for the highest amount of minutes played the previous week.

- Learn Its practice (until on Ultimate)

Linked Learning
- one piece of extended linked learning from a menu to be handed in half-termly. This should reflect approximately 3 hours of work over the half term, and should be completed to a high standard. Homework will be shared in class during the last week of each half term, and verbal feedback will be given to the children.
All children are given the opportunity to choose a library book to bring home each week.  
Children will bring home a reading book aligned to a specific level.  It is expected that children practise their reading daily. Children are assessed each half term to ensure that books are appropriately challenging for them.  The assessment is a combination of accuracy, fluency and comprehension.
All children have Boom Reader log ons.  It is expected that parents log their reading (home books, school library books/story sacks and reading practice). Those children that have at least 3 sessions in a week logged will have an additional playtime, whilst those that don't have time to practise their reading with a member of staff.
New books will not be issued until previous ones are returned.  If books are not returned/lost a charge will be made to cover the cost of purchasing new ones.
Summer 1: What are we learning about in Seal Class?
In Maths, we follow the White Rose Maths Y3/4 Mixed Age Planning. In English, we are following the CLPE unit - The Bluest of Blues by Fiona Robinson. Our Reading for Pleasure book is Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo.

Beach School PE


To practise existing running, jumping and throwing skills.

To sprint effectively.

To run with fluency over hurdles.

To jump for distance.

To develop and refine different throwing techniques

To learn different push throw techniques


Recycling / reusing

Local community buildings and groups

Local community buildings and groups


Rights of the child

What are human rights?

French:Food and Drink

Naming French fruits

Sing for your supper!

How much does it cost?

Daily offers

Visiting a French market

Music: Tuned Instrument:


Review of Learning

Gamelan Music

Exploring Octaves 

Cyclic Patterns 

Finishing Touches

RE:Kingdom of God 2A.6 When Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost?

To understand what happened when Jesus Ascended 

To understand some of the main teachings in the Book of Acts.

To understand the role the Apostles had in continuing Jesus's work.

To understand where Christianity originated from and how the teachings spread.

To understand what Missionaries are and why they are important in the Christian Faith.