Blog 10.11.23

Our book this week was ‘Pumpkin Soup’ by Helen Cooper.  In this story every day, Squirrel, Duck and Cat slice up a pumpkin from their pumpkin patch, stir in some water and salt to make the perfect pumpkin soup... until the day the animals want to swap jobs.

Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story:

 Writing – Draw and label a map of the route Cat and Squirrel take to look for Duck.

Maths – Match the Numicon to the pumpkins

Funky Fingers – Use a hole punch to make holes in a paper pumpkin and thread a lace in and out  

Creative – Mix orange paint and paint a pumpkin

Construction– Make a tower and balance a pumpkin on the top

Drawing – Draw a pumpkin

In maths this week the Reception children have been using exploring the properites of circle and triangles.   They have also measuring the weight of pumpkins. The Nursery children have identifying circles and triangle inside and outside of school.

 In Read, Write Inc. this week the Reception children have been learning the sounds x and z and have been practising writing cvc words.  The nursery children have been listening and identifying different sounds and playing some rhyming games.

 Our music this term is Celebration Music.  This week we listened to music for the Hindu celebration of Diwali.  We then responded to the music through movement.

 Our book this week was about pumpkins.  We made some puffy pumpkin paint using pva glue, shaving foam and orange food colouring.  Some of us painted pumkpins using it.  We cut open a pumpkin to look inside and tasted some roasted pumpkin seeds.  The Reception children wrote about what it looked like. 

 This week we began our new RE theme ‘Why do Christians perform a nativity play at Christmas?’.  We listened to the story of The First Christmas and then discussed who we thought was the most important person in the story.  In PSHE we are learning about 'Building Relationships'.  This week we looked at photos of our families and discussed what we thought families were.  We then showed each other our family photos and named the people in the pictures. 

This week our Starfish star of the week was Benji for working really hard with his reading and writing.  Well Done Benji!

For the next three weeks we will be learning about the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.