26 April 2024


Today we began with - as always- with Worship by the Waves where Mrs Popay taught the school the story of St Oswald. 

After that, we moved to PE where we are focusing on Rounders, we discussed the history of Rounders - did you know that even the Tudors used to play Rounders? The Orca class first of all, led the warm up where each child gave a different cardiovascular exercise for the class to complete, we then worked on accuracy and our under arm throwing with a partner. Next, the class split into groups of five - surprisingly it became five boys and five girls - they then took part in the different positions on a rounders team, back stop, bowler, batter and fielder. 


After PE we had a quick break and moved to PSHE where Mrs Brealey taught a session on need and want. Again the children split into groups and worked together to categorise certain items into needs and wants. 


Next we continued with our Youth Leader Award and the children were introduced to some leaders who can said to be inspirational - Michelle Obama, Queen Elizabeth II, Gareth Southgate and Dr John Sentamu, we discussed the qualities that these people had and how they can be described as being a good leader. The children then got into pairs and one person in the pair was given a blindfold the non blindfolded person then had to lead them around the beach and over different obstacles. We discussed the qualities of which a person needed to be classed as a good leader - good communication, clear instructions and trustworthy. 


After lunch at the Golf Club we then headed back to school to finish the next part of our Youth Leader Award where we then chose a leader and researched them and their qualities and how they are seen to be a good leader, choices included Ghandi, Mother Teresa and Owen Morgan. 

As we are looking at different habitats in science this half term, we decided to go to the woods instead of the beach this week. Whilst we were walking we discussed about how we should behave in the countryside, especially around livestock, and discussed what different crops and livestock we might find locally, and some of the things each product could be used for. On our way we met Jennifer, a good friend of the school who told us that we might see some deer in the woods.  Once we were in the woods we stopped to investigate what we could see, using magnifiers to help us see details.  We found evidence of a variety of insects, rabbits and foxes.  We also explored the funghi growing on some dead tree trunks.  On the pond we saw ducks, and we heard some blackbirds.  After our snack we threw our apple cores into the undergrowth.  We discussed about only throwing parts of fruit that might grow in the area, and how it would be eaten by the deer, squirrels or other animals.  Then we moved on silently, listening to the sounds around us, and keeping our eyes peeled for the deer.  We were rewarded! We saw three roe deer.... they also saw us!  Once we got to the lime kiln we talked about what it was used for, and discussed the fact that the pond is actually a disused quarry that is filled with water.  We explored a beautiful patch of periwinkles with our magnifiers, and then the heaven's opened so we started to walk back towards the village.
Once we were back in the village, we went to Lizzie's garden and took some pictures of her beautiful spring flowers to choose our favourites from (see the pictures attached for some of them) before returning back to school for lunch.
When we were back in school we sorted through our images for our favourite ones, did our yoga lesson, made some woodland music using the sounds that we had heard in the woods, and learned the traditional song 'Lavender's Blue'.  Finally we did some maths - building on our work from the previous week on grid squares, by learning how to play Battleships.

We continued our story at the beach today with ‘Once Upon a Tide’ by Tony Mitton and Selina Young again this week.

After worship by the waves it began to rain so we didn’t listen to the story straight away instead we thought about, how in the story, the two characters walk on shingle.  We discussed what shingle was and then looked along the beach for some small stones so we could make our own shingle.  After that we used the beanbags to practise our throwing and catching and played a game on ‘The farmers in his den’.  When the rain stopped we were able to listen to the story.  In the story the characters find some treasure.  We had a small treasure chest and looked at what was inside.  We thought about words that described the treasure and wrote some sentences.   They also used a compass in the story so we used some compasses to find north.  We spoke about how to remember the order of the compass points.  We came up with our own which was ‘Never (north) East (east) Soggy (south) Waffles (west).  We drew compassed in the sand and wrote the sounds for the words.

After lunch we went back to the beach for our RE.  We heard the Hindu story ‘Rama and Sita’.  The story has the message to tell people that good overcomes evil and light overcomes dark.  We collected shells to use as the diva lamps that helped Rama and Sita get back home. 

At beach school, we participated in our Worship by the Waves this week we were focusing on St Oswald and his life around Britain. He was a King of Northumbria and a Christian at the same time. We then went and started our PE for the day where we were starting our athletics for the term. Practising our sprinting over different distances and comparing the different times it took. We then had our French blast for the day recalling the numbers to 10 before we then had a bit of team-building and our snacks before heading up to the golf club for lunch. We then spent some time looking at different shadows at different times on the beach as part of our light unit in science. This has helped us to think about how to tell the time using a sun dial They have also done roman numerals and using figurative language to describe what they can see and hear at the beach ready in preparation for us moving on in English to where Anna visits the beach. We then finished our day off with some meditation and building volcanoes as part of our Geography unit.