15 December 2019

15th December 2019
This term seems to have gone on for a long time, but here we are almost at the end of it!  We had another hectic week last week, squeezing in play rehearsals between last dance and pocket trumpet sessions for the term, Christmas Jumper Day, a delicious Christmas lunch made by Mandy and Erica, and our last beach school session of the term.
Next week is just as hectic - 
We have the dress rehearsal for the play on Monday afternoon, and the play itself at 2pm on Tuesday afternoon at the Creighton Hall.  Straight after the play is the Christmas Fair, back in school.
On Wednesday is the village Christmas Party.  We will get the children changed in school and take them (and book bags) to the Creighton Hall, where you can pick them up afterwards.  We will bring those children in Wraparound back up to school.  Please bring party clothes into school.
On Thursday we will be making Christingles, followed by our school Christmas Party.  
On Friday our Christingle End of Term service will be held in church at 2 pm.  Please do not send book bags in on Friday.  You can take your children home directly after the service.  Please ensure that your Christingle Donations come in either in the morning on Friday, or you can bring them to church.
Please note that term will start again on Monday 6th January.
All the staff wish you a happy and restful Christmas and look forward to seeing everyone's smiley faces in the New Year!